Thank you for your interest in becoming a (CBRT) Live Bee Removal Technician working with Eco Bee Removal. Bee removal is a profession that is exciting, meaningful, important, fun, interesting and profitable! This is an opportunity with low low start up costs in a industry that is growing every day.
Our history
45 years ago I caught my first swarm and I was hooked. It was such a thrill. Beekeeping represented one of many back to the land skills that I wanted to master as we got off the grid and out of the system. Little did I know how much bees would play a role in my future.
In 2008 the economy crashed; I was a project manager for an Eco developer in Costa Rica. I came back to Florida and had to reinvent myself in the new economy. After a request from a client to perform a live bee removal from the walls of a house I realized there was an incredible need for those who had the combined experience of beekeeping and construction.
Back then it was illegal to do live bee removal unless you had a Pest control license. The Dept of Ag would call us and threaten us from time to time. But, we had home schooled our kids, home birthed them too and so we were used to opting for civil disobedience when the law was in conflict with our beliefs. Catching bees was our right, and so we did live bee removal anyway. Then a group of lawyers got behind us and we, along with others, were instrumental in changing the laws and now it is legal for beekeepers to remove bees in the Sate of Florida! As my business grew, I hired remodeling contractors and trained them in live bee removal, but it was hard to find people who cared about the bees. People came and went and basically we were just training our competition, but that’s OK. So for the most part its been me and my sons and we have kept it a family business, until now. There have been some who have tried to promote a nationwide bee removal company and of them started ethically but in the end they have had the same problems we have had finding the right people. They end just becoming just another Dot com, selling calls to companies that remove bees but mostly kill them. We want to change that…
The Plan
Firstly, on a personal note: My same is Steve Behncke. I am the owner and founder of Eco bee removal. My resume reads like an adventure novel. I have pursued my passions all over the world and I am happy to say that my work life has been exciting and rewarding. And now I am so blessed to find myself in this career and to have played a part in Live Honeybee removal and rescue for over a dozen years. Every day is such an adventure and to be well paid for something you love is just -so- perfect. Your customers are glad to see you come and to share in the journey of bee rescue with you. This is not a hard sell. People need you. Bee rescue is filled with adrenaline and color and diversity. You know, I could be very happy as an owner operator, catching bees, traveling, it is a good life. I ask myself often: “Why am I doing pursuing this grandiose goal of a nationwide bee rescue company when most people my age are retiring? Why not just sell out and sail away on my boat?” Why? Because is so much more exciting to create something greater. To enjoy the synergy of new blood and energy that association with other beekeepers bring and to share and pass down what we know and have learned to you. And not just the skills of bee removal but in the marketing too and the branding necessary to make the phone ring.
The Vision
There are many people doing bee removal. And like all products and services offered in America there is a huge spectrum of ability, ethics and skills offered in the marketplace. I have talked with many who have suffered from unscrupulous bee removal companies. It gives a bad name to all of us and puts pressure on us from governmental agencies. Even for those of us who have done it right, we still struggle to get a foothold in the marketplace because the marketing learning curve is huge and costly. We want to change all that. We think the time has come to unify the skills of Live Honey Bee removal and place Honey bee rescue into a nationwide name recognition equal to large pest control companies such as Truly Nolan or Massey, only…. to save…not destroy bees. And along with that name recognition we want to ensure your success with a cooperative marketing strategy and a fellowship of technicians whose shared experiences will continue to help all of us together to literally write the book on live honey bee removal. To make this happen we offering the following;
Certification: BRTC Bee Removal Technician Certification
Nation Wide Name recognition and branding
Marketing and SEO
Research and Development; The Fellowship of Bee Rescuers
Lets go into this in more detail. …
Certification: CBRT Certified Bee Remova Technician
The goals of certification are to provide a trusted and qualified skill set to equip people to save bees and solve bee infestation issues with the highest of standards. Certification will give the consumer confidence in our service and will give you, the Bee removal technician, the credibility that you have earned. After certification the candidate will be able, (after completing the list of contractor requirements paperwork, insurance, tool up etc..) to receive calls and make money via our referral network. Certification is broken into two categories: Bee Removal Theory and Bee Removal Practicum.
Bee Removal Theory: Bee removal theory covers the basic concepts of honeybee removal; Honeybee habits, kinds of bee removals along with ethical and legal standards. This portion is broken down into 2 sections:
Section 1) Beginning Live Bee removal theory: Online course:
Description: The basics of bee habits, infestations, and solutions
Section 2) Advanced Bee removal theory:
Description: How to solve bee infestations in detail as per situation (10 classifications) Online course
Bee Removal Practicum: Description: The 10 most common kinds of bee removals and the various methods used to accomplish each kind of removal:
Certification is achieved by the documentation that the candidates has successfully completed each one of the 10 classifictions of bee removal successfully.
Bee removal practicum is achieved in one or more of the following ways:
Documented personal experience.
Live training and mentorship (CBRT)
Documented personal experience
If you are already in the Bee removal industry or have any documentation that directly supports you having successfully removed bees as described in any one of the 10 areas of bee removal, you can challenge that skill set. For example, if as a beekeeper you have successfully caught a swarm and relocated it and you can document your experience by photos and customer testimony you will have checked off one of the 10 areas of bee removal. Write us to discuss the 10 areas of Bee removal.
Prerequisite: Completion of Bee removal theory A and B
Apprenticeship: local
We have a limited number of free Apprenticeships available working directly with a Live Bee Removal Technicians in the
Sate of Florida. .This apprenticeship is offered for free for those who are looking to live and work in Florida. depending on our company needs. Contact us for more information.
Prerequisite: Completion of Bee removal theory A and B
CBRT (certified bee removal technician training)
For a fee you can be trained by a Master Bee removal technician in Florida. This is the quickest path to certification in the 10 areas of Live Bee Removal. The fee is based on how much time you spend with the technician. You will receive detailed instruction as you work hands on removing bees from structures and trees. If there are no free apprenticeship positions available or if you are coming to us from out of state then this is for you. Ask us for more information
Prerequisite: Completion of Bee removal theory A and B
Nation Wide Name recognition and branding
Nationwide Pest control companies such as Terminix or Truly Nolan enjoy the name recognition that their long-term and consistent marketing strategies give them. When you buy their franchise, take their course, get certified and pay them their fees then they will send you the work. This goes for any nationwide company be it Subway sandwiches or Stanley steamer carpet cleaning who, through association with you can help you to profit from their system and their name. Of course you don’t need them to start your own sandwich shop or to clean carpets, you can learn those skills and get the licenses without them. There are a ton of owner operators happy to blaze their own trails without the help of these big guys, and you can build your own name recognition and customer base too, It is done every day, in fact I have done it. But trust me, it takes years of investment in time and money. to get that phone to ring, and Like they say “why reinvent the wheel?” There is strength is unity. After 14 years of investing in local marketing, SEO, pay per click and B2B advertising we have our finger on the pulse of how to get the phone ring and get you clients. If you are one of our CBRT’s in the state of Florida you will immediately be able to enjoy the benefits of our name recognition. And if you come to us from out of state then the good news we have already begun the SEO across the nation and the template of B2B , Social media and Pay per click means we can use our marketing team to basically plug and play our system into any area, even your own exclusive area.
When I started my first business as a young family man marketing was just buying an ad in the Yellow pages or flyers and word of mouth. It is much more complicated today and the learning curve and costs of doing business and being found are daunting. In the age of the internet the need to understand marketing is as important to success as knowing how to do the work itself. Google has changed their algorithms many times to keep people from “gaming the system” and being found on Page One of Google Getting found on a Google search is now a very concise but ever changing science. We are happy to say that we “get” the market. Whether it be long term strategies in SEO (Search engine optimization), blogging, Facebook, pay per click, B2B marketing or locally, with the work that comes from our many return clients who have come to trust us after 12 years of service (Walmart, Home Depot, Terminix, Taco bell, Racetrack. Disneyworld to name only a few) the phone is ringing for Eco Bee Removal. If you have tried to get your product or service found on the internet you will know how difficult, costly and time-consuming it is to be found and to be successful. We want to help you to skip this hardship and move right into work and success by associating with us.
Research and Development; Fellowship of Bee Rescuers
The bee removal industry is both very old and very young. Bee keeping has been around for millennia, but Live bee removal is still a very young industry. We are constantly inventing and reinventing ways of improving our skills and techniques in live removal. For instance, you cant buy bee removal equipment, we make most of it ourselves. We invent and reinvent. You will invent too and share your imagination and success with all of us and together we will write the book of bee removal. Through forums and fellowship we will learn from each other; building our confidence, reputation, and successes.
Are you ready to get started?
Fill our the form below and we will contact you discuss with you personally about this great opportunity and answer any questions you have without and pressure or obligation.
Let’s work together
Interested in working together? Fill out some info and we will be in touch shortly! We can't wait to hear from you!