How much does bee removal typically cost?
Based on the information below you can start to count what it might cost, but if you want to save yourself the trouble, you can call us for a free estimate for your bee removal.
There are a few factors that determine the cost of bee removal.
Where are they located? On a tree, in a wall, in the floor? Each situation is different. Bees will grow until they reach the limits of the space they are in. In a wall the space is quite large but in a eave or soffit the space is smaller. Is it on the first floor or second or even third floor? Working off a ladder is more dangerous and time consuming.
How long have the bees been there? The larger the space and the longer the time the bees have been there, the more likely you are to have a big bee colony. There is no short cut to hard work. The bees, honey, wax and bee larvae must be removed!
How angry are the bees? Intense bees take a lot of care to calm and so they will take longer.
Check out our informative videos below for more information.
Things you need to know
In this video we’re going to tell you how we deal with bees inside, and bees outside a structure. Why It’s important to hire a professional bee removal service and also why It’s important to relocate the bees alive and together with the honeycomb. Since if you leave the honeycomb there, It’s scent will invite more bees back.
What determines the cost
How big is the beehive? How long the bees have been there? How high off the ground are the bees that have to be relocated? How aggressive are the bees? These are all important factors that determine the cost of a live bee removal. You will learn about this, and more in the video above.
Open & Close Warranty
If the cost is the same, or a little bit more, go with live bee removal. Look for a minimum of one year warranty. A live bee removal and relocation service works slower, with more care. When we open and close a structure we are trying to save all the bees, so you can be sure, we’ll relocate all the bees from your property.