For the past 13 years, we’ve been saving countless bees.
Introducing: Eco Bee Removal
Live honey bee removal only
About us
Eco Bee Removal is a Honey Bee Rescue and Relocation organization, which provides alternative options to the spraying and killing of honey bees. Eco Bee Removal trains and certifies contractors in the skill of live, chemical-free bee removal and relocation. Our independent contractors are skilled craftsmen and beekeepers dedicated to saving bees in the removal process.
Honey bees
Eco Bee Removal is an advocate for the honey bee, the client, and the contractor and our role in the removal process is insuring client satisfaction, monitoring the removal process via detailed job reports and photo documentation to insure that the bees were removed alive and without chemicals.
Our mission
Thank you for Saving Bees from Extinction
Honey bees are responsible for pollinating 1/3 of all the food we eat, without them we and our planet are in trouble. We are happy to see that every day more and more people are taking the time to learn about the options for bee removal. We would like to say thanks to the following companies for choosing Eco Bee Removal to save their bees.
Our clients include
Disney World Orlando
Taco Bell
Home Depot
RaceTrack Gasoline
Motel 6
Do you want to add your name to the list of those choosing to save bees?
Are you a Pest Control company looking for options to killing bees, and a reputable company to refer your customers to?
We have set up a really simple system for you to refer your customers to ecobeeremoval.com. We will build you your own landing page where you can refer your customers for a free coupon discount for bee removal in your name. On this custom landing page is a statement declaring your commitment to saving bees. We keep track of your referrals and pay you for every lead plus bonuses of Pure Wild Honey!
Want to get started? Just click on the button below and be taken to a simple form to get your started and we will do everything from there, build your landing page and send you a link for your approval.
Questions? Call Steve directly at
Will Bees Go Extinct?
In 2014 Bee farmers lost half their bees. What is going on? It’s hard to pinpoint the problems because like Cancer, there are a lot of reasons but it is shocking and it is scary and we need to stop killing bees.
Colony Collapse Disorder
(or CCD for short) refers to a mysterious malady affecting domestic honey bees that causes them to leave the hive and not return, leading ultimately to the death of the colony. First noticed in late 2006 in North America, CCD has been the focus of much research to try to determine what is causing it. Pathogens, parasites, environmental toxins and even cell phone transmissions have been the subject of investigation. As of writing this (November 2007) the one factor that has been identified as being uniquely associated with CCD is a virus known as Israeli Acute Paralysis Virus (IAPV). Research is currently underway to test this hypothesis. It is not proven yet that IAPV is the sole cause of CCD, but it is found in nearly all hives affected by CCD. A possible scenario is that CCD is triggered by various stress factors in bees infected with IAPV.
For more information on CCD, see the Mid-Atlantic Apiculture Research and Extension Consortium website. Einstein once said, watch the bees, when the bees die, then man would die within a few years.
What about Killer bees?
Shouldn’t they be destroyed? We hear from people all the time who are told by the Department of Agriculture or from their pest control company that it is recommended that all wild hives be destroyed to stop the spread of Africanized Killer bees.This is just plain crazy. First of all, that’s like killing all alligators because a few people get bit or even killed. I can’t tell you all the times we have gone out and saved bees that were destined to be killed, bees that were condemned to death by companies who capitalize on the fear and ignorance of the consumer, but in reality were the sweetest, calmest bees you would ever see. That’s just plain tragic! That’s not to say we don’t see some really bad bees but why the “nuclear option”? Kill all wild hives in a day when bees are disappearing all over the earth? The fact is that there is fast money to “spray and go” and not many will take the time to suit up on a hot summer day and do the important work of a bee keeper. But we do, and that’s all we do. If they are bad bees, we give them to beekeepers who can handle them. Did you know that the people of Central America actually prefer aggressive bees? They produce and amazing amount of honey and do the important job of pollination.
Bees flying in and out of a lovely colorful bee hive