Gainesville Expert Live Bee Removal Services.
If you need live bee removal in Gainesville, FL
Most of the bee removal in Gainesville and surrounding areas are from the oak trees that are found in the farms and ranches. Some of these bee colonies are absolutely impossible to retrieve. If the bees that you see are within arms reach or in any place that we can reach with a ladder then we can normally resolve your issues quickly and inexpensively.
Honey bee swarm removal in Gainesville can be needed in a lot of the old oak trees, often they split and bees will enter a crack. If that crack has been open for a long time the interior of the tree will rot and the cavity will be large enough to house a large colony with honeycomb and bee larva. If you let these go on too long they can outgrow their location divide into 2 colonies and go on to inhabit other trees on the property.
As a bee catcher in Gainesville, we see this a lot in the big farms and ranches where people have multiple bee issues in multiple trees. Sometimes bees are located in a branch that can be cut from the tree and relocated as one ball of bee. But if the bees located inside the trunk of the tree they must be driven out and the hole must be sealed or a swarm will almost immediately move into the same location.
In Gainesville, honey bee swarm removal for any colony located over 25 feet in the tree will probably require some sort of hydraulic lift to reach them. This will double the cost. It comes down to how high a beekeeper needs to go to catch the bees and can he reach them with his equipment. Removing honey bees from a branch is easier if the branch is small and can be cut, but a larger branch requires the honeycomb to be removed piece by piece. Bee hive removal in Gainesville? Its Eco Bee Removal, ‘going live’ all the time and saving bees.