Sarasota Honey Bee Removal Specialists: Save Bees.
If you need live bee removal in Sarasota, FL
The Sarasota area of Florida has about a 3 month period when you will see a lot of honey bee activity, when the need for bee removal is most frequent. The bees can be found in all the normal locations: in walls and in structures, in water meter boxes and in trees. If you see a ball of bees hanging from something there is a good chance that the bees are either resting or they just arrived. A good sign is how low to the ground they are. If they are, let’s say, under 10 feet chances are that they will move on. If you see bees coming out of a wall you may assume that they have been there a long time.
This looks just as you would expect it to look like: white or yellow emerging from of see of brown, which are actually the honey bees all holding together and doing a little title one thing as they protect the Queen. It’s always a good idea to wait 3 days to see if the bees will bother him, unless you see this honeycomb, which means they’ve been there a while and you should probably do what you have to do to remove the colony and relocate it to another location. The cool temperatures of Sarasota will also force bees into interior locations, so an in-house bee hive removal is more likely to be necessary here.
If you see a small amount of bees on a crack in the wall you should automatically assume that there’s a large colony on the inside. Once we did a job in Sarasota, where the bees went into the dryer vents and actually went inside the dryer room or the laundry room. This was caused by people spraying chemicals on the outside to try to resolve their bee issues. The bees are only using the vent to get inside the wall, after that they follow the pathway to the top of the wall on the inside to form their colony. Getting out there with a can of raid will actually make the situation worse.
This particular person in Sarasota forced the bees into the house by spraying the engines on the bee colonies outside, which forced the bees in the wall to find a way out. In this case the only way out was in, and they confused the interior lights to be the light of the sun. This shows that it is always a good idea to call for honey bee specialists. We are available 24/7 to answer any of your questions, so don’t go spraying anything without talking to us 1st.