Tampa Expert Bee Removal & Relocation Services.
If you need live bee removal in Tampa, FL
Bee relocation in Tampa is often required, as the weather in Tampa consistently produces mass quantities of feral honeybees of all kinds and varieties. Just like other locations in Florida, Tampa honey bee removal is most needed, when the actual honey bee seasons happens but that is very dependent upon rainfall. However, regardless of rainfall, Tampa always has its bee season and we see some large bee colonies in structures and in the landscape.
The mild temperatures in Tampa mean that the swarming of bees can happen in 10 months out of the year. There are 300 wild bee colonies for every square mile of Florida and each colony will divide between 3 and 13 times depending on the variety of honey bee. Those swarms are out looking for a new place to live and that could be in the wall of your house, a shed floor, a roof structure, or any one of a half-dozen places in the landscape that they may choose. The more domesticated the bee, that is to say, the bees that have their originate from Europe, the more likely they will choose an enclosed location.
Africanized bees act more like wild bees and are less picky about where they live. You will find these bees in large balls, forming colonies way up in a tree sometimes as high as 40 feet. You should always approach an Africanized hive with great care as you never truly know the personality of the colony until you start messing with it. Some people are dedicated to saving bees no matter what and will often rent a lift for us to retrieve the bees.
After a Tampa bee removal from a tree we often put it right back in another tree to continue their job of pollinating our food. We are able to advise you on just about any situation and since the phone call is free you should always call us and ask us about what your options are in regards to relocating honeybees. With bee hive removal in Tampa we can save you a lot of money, sometimes you can even handle some situations on your own. Tampa bee removal? Choose Eco Bee Removal, saving bees and relocating honey bees in Tampa, the way it should be done.