St. Augustine Eco-Friendly Bee Removal Services.
If you need live bee removal in St. Augustine, FL
Bee removal in St. Augustine is very similar to Jacksonville in regards to the climate, the difference being is that we would normally expect to see milder temperatures in the St. Augustine area. Honey bee swarm removal in St. Augustine is connected to its milder temperatures, you can have flowers popping off from various varieties of trees and shrubs just about any time of year.
Bees are all about gathering nectar, that’s what they do and everything they do depends on that. We don’t see a lot of activity in St. Augustine but when we do the colonies of bees can be quite large. Bees gather honey so that they can eat that honey during the winter when times are cold. When the temperature changes you may think the bees have gone away because you don’t see the activity of them coming and going from that hole in the wall or roof. But the reality is the bees are up in the structure eating the honey and using that energy to play a sort of tug-of-war, the friction is what keeps the bee larva warm. Meanwhile on sunny days the Queen may designate a few gatherer bees to leave the tug-of-war game and go into the world to bring back any nectar that they might find from a winter season bloom.
So this process goes on throughout winter and then on one unusually warm day in winter or on the 1st warm day of spring you will see that the new bee larva has suddenly hatched and the colony is now ready to divide into 2 colonies with the arrival of a 2nd Queen born with in the hive. So in St. Augustine during the cool of winter all of this is going to go unnoticed to the human eye and suddenly a big ball of bees will appear on the wall. So the bad news is what you thought were bees that had come and gone in actuality had never left and now not only do you discover that there is a colony in the wall but it’s so big that a 2nd one has formed and you’re at risk of those bees going into another whole infrastructure and starting yet another bee colony.
As the summer progresses bee situation is going to get worse because more food means more bees. We are your bee catcher in St. Augustine, we love working in the oldest city of the United States. For St. Augustine bee removal look for Eco Bee Removal. Give us a call and we will answer your questions!