You are a Pest control professional. You do a valuable service. But you feel bad when you kill bees. Plus, there is all that honeycomb, its got to come out or the bees will return. So, Bee suits, bee stings, Killer bees. honeycomb, carpentry, who wants to mess with all that? We do!. That’s all we do.
We are Eco Bee Removal,com. We have been doing Live Bee relocation since 2010. We suit up, open structures, clean out the honeycomb, close the structure and re-home the bees. We have great reviews and when your customers need to resolve a bee issue please refer them to us, we wont let you down.
Save Bees and Bee Blessed
“Dear Pest control professional, Are you doing Honey bee removals?
We do Live Bee Removal. We pay honey or money for your Honey Bee removal referrals.
Read more…..”
We pay for leads and/or sales in Cash, Honey or Beeswax products
Or we can sub contract on bee removals for what ever markup you decide.
If you would like to know more then please fill out the form below and I will personally call you to discuss how we might work together for the People, Planet and Profit.
-Steve Behncke, Owner, Eco Bee Removal